
Incredible Fan Theory Provides Tons Of Evidence That Sean Connery’s Character In ‘The Rock’ Is James Bond

The Rock (Credit: Screenshot/YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FdnevXjqdc)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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A fan theory about the classic film “The Rock” is blowing up the internet.

In a Reddit thread from u/Apprehensive-Test-26, a ton of evidence is laid out to suggest that Sean Connery’s character John Mason in “The Rock” is no other than James Bond years removed from his time as 007. (REVIEW: ‘Westworld’ Season 3 Ends With The Possible Deaths Of Multiple Characters)

On the surface, the theory sounds insane. In fact, the only thing that would appear to connect them is that Connery played both characters and they’re former British assets. However, after diving in, it’s hard to dispute.

The Reddit thread compiles dates, location and establishes a timeline that makes it seem not just probable, but likely that Mason and Bond are the same person.

You can read the whole thing below. It’s outstanding.

The Rock came out 25 years ago today. I’ve proven once and for all that it is a James Bond movie. from movies

For those of you interested in watching a YouTube video on the theory, you can give it a watch below.

This is without a doubt one of the greatest fan theories I’ve ever read, and I’m not sure I can even think of a close second.

It almost makes way too much sense to not be real. There are so many things that match up between the two characters that I now need someone to argue against Mason being Bond.

The part in the timeline about Hong Kong and Bond being there at the same time is just too much to ignore.

I’ve read through that Reddit thread four times at this point, and I still can’t find a way to debunk it. Again, it just seems true. Let us know what you think in the comments!