Poll: 57% Of Republicans Think The Pandemic Is Over — But Only 4% Of Democrats Agree

(Photo by ANDREJ IVANOV/AFP via Getty Images)

Dylan Housman Deputy News Editor
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Americans are divided along partisan lines on whether or not the COVID-19 pandemic is over.

Twenty-nine percent of Americans say the pandemic is over, according to a newly poll from Gallup released Monday. Fifty-seven percent of Republicans answered yes when asked if the pandemic is over in the U.S., compared to only 4% of Democrats.

The poll was taken online between June 14-20, with a sample size of 4,843 adults. The margin of error is two points.

A little over a third of Independents said they believed the pandemic is over. Americans’ optimism on the pandemic reached an all-time high in the Gallup poll, with 89% saying the pandemic is getting better.

Daily new cases have fallen to around 10,000 and daily deaths are below 300, both lows since the earliest days of the pandemic, according to the CDC. Nearly 154 million Americans are now fully vaccinated.

Most people in the U.S. said they are seeing their lives return to normal as well. Only 47% of respondents said their life is still being disrupted by COVID-19 “a great deal” or “a fair amount,” down from a majority in May. 15% said their life is completely back to normal, up from 9% in May, and an additional 62% said their life is “somewhat” back to normal. (RELATED: Dr. Fauci Is In An All Out Media Blitz To Rescue His Image)

However, 40% of Americans said they don’t believe their life will ever return completely back to normal, and 65% of Americans believe that healthy people should return to living life as usual, the highest rate since the pandemic began.