
REPORT: Bills Send Cole Beasley Home For Five Days After Coronavirus Close Contact

Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports via Reuters

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Buffalo Bills receiver Cole Beasley will reportedly be out several days because of coronavirus protocols.

According to Pat Leonard, Beasley has been sent home for five days because he was in close contact with a trainer who tested positive. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

Everyone should be on the lookout for the reaction to this news. Beasley isn’t vaccinated and he’s one of the most outspoken critics of the NFL’s handling of vaccines.

On more than one occasion, he’s spoken out against the league’s policies and the feeling players are more or less being forced into it.

Knowing what we know about social media, I 100% people to drag Beasley for being unvaccinated and being sent home.

However, people really should resist the urge to do so. By mocking Beasley, nothing gets fixed and it only further divides us.

He made his decision on the vaccine, calculated the risks and he now has to deal with the situation he’s in.

People acting like idiots on social media won’t change anything. Let the man make and live with his decisions.