
Mother Of A United States Marine Brings ‘I Don’t Kneel’ Sign To College GameDay

GameDay Sign (Credit: Screenshot/Twitter Video https://twitter.com/CollegeGameDay/status/1434132456853098497)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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A mother of a United States Marine stole the show Saturday morning on ESPN.

In the lead up to College GameDay in Charlotte, the ESPN broadcast showed a mother of a Marine holding a “I don’t kneel” sign, and it’s awesome. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

You can see a video of the sign below. It’s at roughly the 9:45 mark.

This is the kind of pro-America attitude that I love to see. People seem to forget that America is by far the greatest country on the planet.

Do we have some flaws? Without a doubt, but we’re still hands down the greatest thing that ever happened to this planet.

In the aftermath of the disastrous evacuation from Afghanistan, it feels like people could use a reminder of how great the USA is.

The mother of a young United States Marine proudly supporting her son and the national anthem on the most popular sports show during football season is something that is outstanding.

Major props to her for taking a stand in support of America, and God bless her son and the sacrifices he’s made.