
Who Is The Wokest Soyboy Of Them All?


Kay Smythe News and Commentary Writer
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Everyone has dealt with at least one “soyboy” in their lives. Unfortunately, they’re becoming part of the norm of our society in America.

Thankfully, I’m here to shed light on the latest collection of woke “soyboys.” I couldn’t do this without the aggregation efforts of “@LibsofTikTok” and first-hand experience of living in California.



What happened to the American male? Why are we going so far in the opposite direction?

These boys are not progressive. They’re taking the male species in a terrifying direction, running headfirst into extinction. I find it very hard to believe that any woman would ever choose to mate with someone like this. We need the real men back, the ones who wear Stetsons, carry firearms, support our flag with their life, drive pick-ups with calloused hands from the hard work they do supporting this great country.

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