
Washington Coach Jimmy Lake Appears To Hit Ruperake Fuavai During Loss To Oregon

Jimmy Lake (Credit: Screenshot/Twitter Video https://twitter.com/ralphamsden/status/1457140622205325316)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Washington football coach Jimmy Lake might be in some hot water after losing to Oregon 26-16 Saturday night.

During the losing effort to the Ducks, Lake appeared to strike Ruperake Fuavai in the helmet during a scrum on the sideline. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

You can watch the video below.

After the game, Washington athletic director Jen Cohen said, “We are aware of an interaction between Head Coach Jimmy Lake and a student-athlete during the first half of Saturday’s game. We have high expectations of the conduct of our coaches and we are working to gather more information on this matter.”

There’s simply no excuse for conduct like this out of a coach. I don’t care what you think a player has done, you simply can’t hit them.

This isn’t the 1950s. The days of abusing players ended decades ago. Unfortunately, nobody told Lake to keep his hands off his guys.

Seeing as how the Huskies aren’t good to begin with, don’t be shocked if Lake gets suspended over this situation or if it’s factored into an eventual firing.

He’s 7-6 during his time with the Huskies, and hitting a player could potentially be used to fire him for cause.

We’ll see how the Huskies respond to this disturbing situation, but something has to clearly be done.