
Aziz Ansari Roasts Aaron Rodgers’ Stance On The COVID-19 Vaccine

Aaron Rodgers, Aziz Ansari (Credit: Photo by Rob Carr/Getty Images and Screenshot/Twitter Video https://twitter.com/NetflixIsAJoke/status/1486006006819835904)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Aziz Ansari roasted Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers’ COVID-19 vaccine stance.

Rodgers has been outspoken about his skepticism about the vaccine, and he sent shockwaves through the league when it was revealed he wasn’t vaccinated. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

Well, the star comedian decided to take a couple shots at the star NFL passer in his new Netflix special “Nightclub Comedian.”

Aziz said the following in part in a clip released by Netflix:

People hate that guy. ‘He’s a f**king idiot!’ It’s like, alright. Calm down. He’s a football player. He read some articles. He got skeptical. He did some research. Are you stunned he came to the wrong conclusion? Did you really think he was gonna crack the case? Did you think Fauci was gonna be out there, like, ‘I just got off the phone with Aaron Rodgers.’…This guy makes a living getting hit in the head. Can we cut him a break?

You can watch the full clip below. It’s pretty funny.

Do you know what that was, folks? It was funny. You don’t have to agree with it in order to find it funny. Sometimes, things are just funny.

Aziz is a hilarious guy, and this bit about Aaron Rodgers was an example of his comedic skills.

Furthermore, I’m sure there will be some people who get outraged about the fact the former “Parks and Rec” star decided to make fun of someone over vaccines.

Don’t be that guy. We should all be people who proudly promote comedy, and with great comedy, nothing is off-limits! That’s the beauty of making jokes.

Anything can potentially be funny! As Patrice O’Neal once said, you have to at least defend the attempt to be funny, and Aziz even acknowledged both sides need to come together!

So, embrace the fact someone cracked some jokes about Rodgers. I respect him as a guy and a QB, and it’s still okay to laugh about!