Supporters of Joe Rogan are voicing support for him amid a movement to cancel him.
Rogan recently addressed a viral video that showed him saying the n-word on his podcast, and it’s clear to anyone with a functioning brain that he wasn’t being racist. He was repeating quotes or telling stories, and the video was purposely edited to cut out all context. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)
Yet, people are still attempting to cancel the popular podcast host.
‘F**ked Up’: Joe Rogan Breaks His Silence On Video Of Him Repeatedly Saying The N-Word
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 6, 2022
Well, he’s not alone. Multiple people with significant followings, including myself, have voiced support for Rogan and pointed out the insanity of the situation.
Rogan has made a lot of people millionaires. Imagine being one of those people and staying silent right now?
Cause this will blow over in a month but that silence will never be forgotten.
— Andrew Schulz 👑HEZI (@andrewschulz) February 6, 2022
The eclectic group of @joerogan guests who were pulled from Spotify just shows you this censorship shit isn’t about left or right. It’s about an authoritarian push for complete control over speech. They hate Rogan bc he’s not controlled by corporate media.
— Krystal Ball (@krystalball) February 5, 2022
Joe Rogan isn’t some sort of menacing figure trying to take over the world. the dude literally just has an inquiring mind. even if he comes to the wrong conclusion sometimes, he keeps it moving and asks questions trying to get to the truth. isn’t that a virtue we should all want?
— Siraj Hashmi (@SirajAHashmi) February 6, 2022
The effort to smear Joe Rogan as a racist is one of the most despicable efforts I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. They don’t actually care, they’re just trying to destroy him. We either live in a society where context matters or we don’t. By their standard Joe Biden is a racist
— Saagar Enjeti (@esaagar) February 5, 2022
Rogan is the man. If they cancel him just end your Spotify subscription.
— Shane Gillis (@Shanemgillis) February 6, 2022
I’ll do ya one better @Shanemgillis. If they cancel @joerogan every comic Rogan has ever helped should pull their podcast off Spotify. I’m down.
— Brendan Schaub (@BrendanSchaub) February 6, 2022
Nobody targeting Joe Rogan right now gives two damns about anything he’s said in the past. This is all just an opportunity for activists to destroy a guy who doesn’t carry water for those with institutional power, and whose audience dwarfs their own. It is that simple.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 6, 2022
If they can cancel Joe they can cancel anyone. Time to stand up people.
— Funky (@Benaskren) February 5, 2022
Nobody is offended by anything @joerogan said. Nobody is hurt. Nobody is a victim. They went digging for the “offensive” comments. They’re happy to have found them. That’s why these damned vultures deserve a middle finger, not an apology. Rogan owes them nothing but contempt.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) February 5, 2022
Don’t look to why so many people trust joe Rogan, look to why so few people trust the mainstream media
— Whitney Cummings (@WhitneyCummings) February 6, 2022
Let’s be crystal clear here, folks. If the mob successfully takes down Rogan, nobody is safe. They tried to end him because of his thoughts on COVID-19, and that failed miserably.
So, now people are using an out of context video to try to cancel him. It’s disgusting. I’m not defending saying the n-word.
REMINDER: Joe Rogan is the good guy. The people trying to censor and cancel him are the bad guys.
— David Hookstead (@dhookstead) February 6, 2022
What I am defending is a podcast host attempting to be funny. As Patrice O’Neal said, you have to defend the attempt.
Furthermore, there was no malicious intent from Rogan. None at all, and again, anyone with a functioning brain knows that’s true. That video was cut to make him look as terrible as possible.
Why was there no context? I think we all know the answer to that question.
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You either defend the truth and honesty, or you stand with the cowards trying to find any reason possible to ruin Rogan’s life. Choose your side carefully.