Daily Caller editorial director Vince Coglianese appeared Tuesday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” wearing a paper bag with masks underneath to discuss a new study on masks.
Coglianese commented on the effectiveness of using pantyhose as a mask to protect against COVID-19.
“My wife wouldn’t let me use the pantyhose,” Coglianese said as he pulled off the shopping bag and two masks from his face.
“So crazy that they’re asking us to wear pantyhose over our heads now just to see how far they can take the humiliation in the waning hours of the pandemic,” Coglianese said. “It’s a way to see whether or not you’re a complete moron.”
Researchers at Cambridge University studied the effectiveness of various at-home hacks for improving masks, the New York Post reported. The study found that the most effective common hack was to wrap pantyhose over a mask.
“Maybe the pantyhose thing is a way to justify Dr. Fauci’s extensive pantyhose collection,” Coglianese added. “Maybe this is just a lie that’s grown out of control.” (RELATED: Tucker Carlson Asks Why US Secretary Of Defense Is Wearing An Anti-COVID ‘Costume,’ And Not Just Opting To Lose Some Weight)
The researchers who conducted the study found that pantyhose had the best fit and most reliable protection, according to the New York Post.
When asked about how people who wear masks while alone in their car will react to a repeal of the mask mandate, Coglianese said “with neurotic panic.”
“They’ve been so conditioned to freak out about every element of this,” Coglianese added.
“How many surveys do you need to see where you find out that Republicans, by and large, have an accurate sense of the risks associated with COVID. Whereas Democrats overstate the risk by like 10,000%,” Coglianese said. “And that’s because of our leaders. They’ve so misled so many people.”