
Ukrainians Appear To Steal A Tank In Viral Video

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Ukrainians apparently can’t stop getting their hands on Russian equipment.

There have been a ton of videos circulating social media of Ukrainians messing with Russian vehicles, weapons systems and more ever since the invasion started. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

Now, we have another video of Ukrainians apparently with a tank! In a video tweeted by Illia Ponomarenko, a tractor could be seen casually pulling a tank down the road.

Watch the incredible video below.

Will it ever get old watching the Ukrainians stealing stuff and giving Putin the middle finger? I think we all know the answer to that, and the answer is no.

Ever since Russian troops crossed into Ukraine, they’ve faced stiff resistance around every corner. The good people of Ukraine are fighting like absolute dogs and the Russians appear to realize they might have underestimated how they’d be welcomed.

The content that we’ve seen come out of Ukraine has been all over the spectrum and watching the resistance has been incredible.

Lots of people thought the country would get rolled in a matter of days. That hasn’t even come close to happening.

Make sure to keep checking back for the latest insane stuff out of Ukraine as we have it.