
Epic Viral Video Shows Russian Vehicle On Fire After Ukrainian Strike

Ukraine Strike (Credit: Screenshot/Twitter Video https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1524660277341470720)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Another incredible video from the war in Ukraine has hit the internet.

In a video tweeted by Rob Lee, a Russian vehicle was engulfed by flames after being hit by a Ukrainian strike, and I can promise you’re going to want to see this one. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

Fire up the video below. It’s pretty awesome.

This is another classic example of playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes. If you’re dumb enough to invade another country like Russia has, you better be prepared to lose some guys and equipment.

The “experts” out there thought this war was going to be over within a few days. Instead, Russia has taken some heavy casualties along the way.

Not only has Russia taken some casualties, but the Ukrainians show no signs of slowing down. Every single day when I log online, there’s another video of the fierce fighting on the ground.

It’s “Red Dawn” for real over there right now, and the Ukrainians have managed to hold on for a hell of a lot longer than expected.

Let’s all hope Ukraine continues to fight like absolute dogs against the Russians!