Polling data released Friday shows President Joe Biden’s approval rating is sinking deeper underwater among Hispanic voters nationwide, including in Democrat-controlled California.
Biden’s approval rating dropped below his disapproval rating in the latest Civiqs polling conducted June 30, marking only the second time more Hispanics disapprove of Biden’s job as president since he took office than approve.
Just 38% of Hispanic voters approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president, while 47% of Hispanics said they disapprove of the president’s job. (RELATED: ‘Trying To Silence Conservative Voices’: Hispanic Orgs Fight Back Against Soros Funded Latino Media Company)
According to @Civiqs, Biden’s national approval rating among Hispanics is down to 38%.
This is the lowest approval rating for a Democratic president that I have ever seen among Hispanics.
This is why Democrats are buying Spanish radio stations. They’re panicking. pic.twitter.com/s9BI8aTlil
— Giancarlo Sopo (@GiancarloSopo) July 1, 2022
Even more worrisome for the president as the midterms loom is his drop among young Hispanic voters nationwide. The majority of Hispanics aged 18-34, 54%, said they disapprove of Biden’s job as president, with only 24% of young Hispanic voters approving of Biden, the poll reported.
Biden’s highest approval rating comes with Hispanic voters nationwide over 65, where 58% say they approve of Biden’s job as president.
In the Democratic stronghold of California, Biden doesn’t fare much better. Across the state, 42% of California Hispanics disapprove of Biden, and 41% approve. Almost 50% of young Hispanic California voters, aged 18-34, say they disapprove of Biden, while only 30% say they approve of his job as president.
Latino Partnership For Conservative Principles President Alfonso Aguilar told the Daily Caller in June that despite heavy investing in Latino markets, more Hispanics will leave the Democratic Party because Democrats “are losing the battle of ideas.”
“Hispanics are really turned off by what they are hearing from Latinx to excessive emphasis on trans-issues, abortion, and promoting an agenda of racial confrontation and victimization,” said Aguilar. “They are really behaving like woke activists, and then they go and ask Soros for money.”