The New York Times tried to gaslight readers Monday into thinking there’s no way to understand what’s going on with the economy.
The piece attempts to claim that there is no certain answer to the question of what will happen next with the economy, despite almost every leading financial expert being pretty explicit: we’re screwed. I honestly hope no one reads this piece, because the message is so inherently stupid and dangerous, it could only have been written by a madman living in his own private Idaho.
Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knew that the short- and long-term impacts of lockdowns here at home and in China would upend the supply chain. We were also thrown into an artificial housing boom during the pandemic (and a little prior too). Oh, and then our government kept printing money and giving it to us, creating a macro-mental state of laziness while starting us on the inflation crazy train.
Why the Times was incapable of putting these social and practical metrics together is not a mystery. In my opinion, the entire outlet is a propaganda machine for those vying to control the masses, so of course they’re going to publish something soft and false right before Christmas.
BlackRock president Rob Kapito said in March that an “entitled generation” will be shocked by upcoming shortages, and he was quickly joined in his gloomy predictions by the likes of billionaire investor Stanley Druckenmiller, who joked about using cyanide to avoid the economic and global collapse heading our way.
Burry intimated that the U.S. is far too dependent on China
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 21, 2022
But it wasn’t until Michael Burry divested all but one of his stocks, some 500,000 shares in Geo Group — a private prison and mental health corporation — that my blood began to run cold with the fear of what the future holds for the typical American.
Economist Nouriel “Dr. Doom” Roubini also predicted a “long and ugly” recession starting at the end of 2022 (so, like, right now). (RELATED: ‘I Saw That Coming’: Daily Caller Reporter Slams Biden Admin For Acting Like Inflation Came Out Of Nowhere)
My bet is that we’ll start seeing even more mass layoffs in January. This will be followed or joined by insane price hikes on food and other essential products. By this time next year, we may also be well into energy rationing.
Hopefully some aliens will bring us a solution in the meantime (and I don’t mean the immigrant type of alien, I mean literal UFOs, because no one else has the power to manage the catastrofuck these global elites have created for us).
With leading experts predicting the worst, the time to prepare is now. Ignore the likes of Burry, Roubini, Kapito and Druckenmiller at your peril.