
VICARI: What ‘Science’ Does the Left Follow?

(Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

Adam Vicari Contributor
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Over the past few years, one of the left’s rallying cries and favored slogans for many cultural and political issues has been, “follow the science.”  Saint Fauci and company said it ad nauseam throughout the COVID pandemic — the same man you can thank, for funding the research that started the pandemic with NIH’s generous grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. You have heard it for years from the Green cult, demanding that you “follow the science” of climate change, lest the world end in 10 or so years, as AOC has so helpfully informed us. You hear extreme left-wing doctors tell you to “follow the science” on “gender-affirming care” for minors, otherwise known as chemical and physical castration, mutilation, and drugging of people who are not legally old enough to consent to such procedures. 

Curiously, they never tell you to “follow the science” of biology, even though “gender-affirming care” is related to biology. Why might that be?  Could it be because biological reality would directly refute not only GAC, but topple the entire fragile house of cards that supports their agenda and belief system?  

The science of biology blows holes in the left’s asinine political narratives.  If people “followed the science” of biology and anatomical reality, they would know that there are two sexes. Those born with XX chromosomes will be female for life – no matter whether they castrate themselves or how much testosterone they take. Those born with XY chromosomes will always be male regardless of cosmetic surgery or how much makeup they wear.  They would see Dylan Mulvaney and instantly recognize that he’s a male if they followed the science of biology.  

They would also know that men cannot get pregnant, there is no such thing as a female penis, and the only time a man would ever bleed in his pelvic area is after a surgeon removes his reproductive organs, and sews them back on as a “vaginoplasty” – a very scientific-sounding term that they think gives the whole thing credibility. And remember, they want to do this to children without parental consent because they “follow the science.” 

The science of biology indicates that a pregnant woman’s fetus has a heartbeat after 6 weeks of gestation, making it a human being instead of just a “clump of cells.” Perhaps this inconvenient fact would interrupt The Science’s hegemony in American political discourse, and inconvenience one of The Science and the Democratic Party’s largest benefactors  – Planned Parenthood. 

Then there is virology.  As early as October 4, 2020, The Great Barrington Declaration was signed by nearly 50 epidemiologists and other public health officials.  In it, these real scientists voiced their concerns about COVID-19 public health policies that The Science is just now acknowledging: “Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come …”  They then went on to recommend natural immunity, herd immunity, and protection of the most vulnerable, which The Science is just now coming around to.  

But, because both presidents Trump and Biden listened to The Science instead of the science, “15 days to flatten the curve” turned into, give or take 1,095 days to flatten the curve and counting.  Sure, these 50 scientists who signed the declaration knew how to do science, but they didn’t know The Science. Only Dr. Fauci knew The Science. He was The Science, which is why he waffled on every single recommendation he made, and, after settling on one, ended up getting it wrong.  The Science told us to mask in public, including outdoors, and in your car, even it did not prevent transmission. The Science told us that schools must remain closed for as long as it takes to “stop the spread,” even though children were at the lowest risk of COVID.  The Science told us not only that vaccines would prevent infection, but that it would be more effective than natural immunity. We then saw twice and thrice vaccinated people getting COVID multiple times.  

So, why does The Science have such a dismal track record?  Because it is not science. The Science is really Lysenkoism. Named after Soviet biologist and agronomist Trofim Lysenko, it essentially represents the fusion of real, empirical, established science, which  allows room for correction or adjustment according to new data, with official State/Government policy.  In Lysenko’s case, he completely discarded well-established and credible theories of genetics that ran counter to Stalin’s official communist policies, and replaced them with his own brand-new theory, which insisted that nature was communist and would “share its genes” with other organisms when reproducing. This, of course, was nonsense, but supported communist collectivization farming policies. Why let reality get in the way of Marxist dogmatism?  

Thus, we get what we have today: official “science” that the government itself has informally demanded and scientists that collude with government to craft intransigent narratives that won’t be adjusted in light of new evidence and exclude any opinions that run contrary to the government’s agenda, goals, or official statements. The Science can never be wrong. The Science, in short, is state approved, government propaganda masquerading as science by using half-truths, cherry picked-data, and intransigence in the face of reality.  But science is willing to seek truth over the government’s truth. 

Why does the left follow The Science, though, even when it is disproven and thoroughly rebutted?  Because they worship the State. Anything that comes from the State, in their minds, is absolute, unequivocal truth because the state said it.  Even when scientific data and large sums of evidence are produced that counter the government’s claims, The Science still prevails because it has the endorsement and systematic support of the State.  It is a dangerous form of totalitarian thinking, and it is why so many seemingly rational people fall victim to The Science.

Adam Vicari is a freelance writer from New Brunswick, New Jersey. He has a degree in history from Rutgers.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller.