
DeSantis Hits Back At Trump’s Claim He Is ‘Too Harsh’ On Abortion

[Screenshot/Ron DeSantis press conference]

Nicole Silverio Media Reporter
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Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis hit back at former President Donald Trump’s claim his six-week abortion ban is “too harsh.”

The Florida governor signed The Heartbeat Protection Act on April 13 to prohibit abortions after six weeks of gestation with the exception of rape, incest and human trafficking, which allows abortion up to 15 weeks. The legislation also includes an exception for cases in which the mother’s life is endangered.

Trump said many pro-lifers find the law to be “too harsh” in a Monday statement. (RELATED: Trump Slams DeSantis For Having ‘No Personality,’ Lacking ‘Political Skill’)

“He has to do what he has to do,” Trump said. “If you look at what DeSantis did, a lot of people don’t even know if he knew what he was doing. But he signed six weeks, and many people within the pro-life movement feel that that was too harsh.”

The Florida governor doubled down on the legislation, and criticized Trump for keeping quiet on whether he would sign the bill.

“Protecting an unborn child when there’s a detectable heartbeat is something that almost, probably 99% of pro-lifers support. It’s something that other states like Iowa under Governor Kim Reynolds have enacted, and I think that as a Florida resident, he didn’t give an answer about, would you have signed the Heartbeat Bill that Florida did. It had all the exceptions that people talk about, the legislature put it in, I signed the bill, I was proud to do it. He won’t answer whether he would sign it or not.”

Trump came under fire from many pro-life organizations for saying he would not sign a federal abortion ban if it were sent to his desk as president. He also criticized Republicans in early January saying Republicans performed badly in the 2022 midterm elections because of their abortion position.