
‘This Shit Has Always Gone On’: Maher, Kathy Griffin Spar Over Climate Change

[Screenshot Youtube Club Random]

Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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Comedian and podcast host Bill Maher sparred with comedian Kathy Griffin on Monday’s episode of “Club Random” over climate change.

Griffin was discussing climate change, arguing some farmers who are conservative still don’t believe in climate change despite their job depending on the weather.

“They are not all in denial,” Maher said 27 minutes into the show. “There are plenty of farmers who are on that page. They are not idiots necessarily.”

Griffin then argued that there are “more floods” and “waters rising.” (RELATED: ‘They’re Coddled’: Bill Maher, Dr. Phil Tear Into ‘Woke’ College Students Who Don’t Like Free Speech)

“Floods do come and go, and floods have been here forever. It is in the Bible,” Maher said, adding some is perhaps due to global warming but otherwise it’s just weather patterns.

“What I am saying is, it’s partly cyclical and this shit has always gone on, and that is what a farmer sees,” Maher said. “There is an element of global warming changes things, but since it’s basically the same shit, the sun comes out. It’s not like the seasons have ended. It rains, it doesn’t rain, there’s good, there’s bad, this is farmer’s life.”

Maher jokingly added that religion was created so farmers could pray for rain.

The duo also discussed Griffin’s infamous picture of then-President Donald Trump beheaded and dripping blood, along with Griffin’s cancer diagnosis.