
Ancient Civilization’s Lost Communications Revealed With New Technology


Kay Smythe News and Commentary Writer
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A study published on June 1 revealed lost communications within the Nazca UNESCO World Heritage Site, thanks to field surveys combined with deep-learning artificial intelligence.

The Nazca lines and geoglyphs are located in the Peruvian coastal plain. They are believed to have been scratched into the surface of the Earth between 500 B.C. and 500 A.D, according to UNESCO. They’re considered one of “archaeology’s greatest enigmas” due to the sheer size of the carvings, the number of them, their nature and continuity.

The geoglyphs predominantly depict animals, plants, beings, and geometric figures sometimes several kilometers in length. The true nature of these communications, whether artwork or otherwise, is a mystery.

A new study published in June revealed four new geoglyphs in the northern area of the Nazca region. The carvings are believed to represent a humanoid creature, a pair of legs, a fish, and some type of bird, according to the researchers.

The process used to identify the new geoglyphs included a confluence of deep-learning AI and ground surveys to confirm their presence. Archaeologists hope the methodology will accelerate the ongoing research process for Nazca and other sites around the world. (RELATED: Archaeologists Find Strange Structures, Potential Cult Sacrifices At Mysterious 7,000-Year-Old Site In Saudi Arabia)

Previous studies conducted by the same team at Japan’s Yamagata University have revealed some 140 news geoglyphs within the region, according to IBM News.