Biden campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu stated on CNN Wednesday that it’s no “surprise” President Joe Biden is losing key voters to former President Donald Trump because there has been a “shift” among the electorate.
Landrieu appeared on “The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer” to discuss issues the president could face as the 2024 general elections draw closer. CNN host Wolf Blitzer referenced a recent New York Times/Siena poll as he questioned Landrieu about why Biden appears to be losing support within key voting blocs such as women, young adults and Black voters.
Landrieu questioned the accuracy of Blitzer’s poll before he pivoted to claiming that women within the U.S. understand Trump has “declared war” over their “reproductive health.” The Biden campaign co-chair additionally stated that the president would be fighting for “every vote,” referencing Biden’s win during the 2020 election. (RELATED: Biden’s Super Tuesday Victories Marred By Protest Votes)
“Well, first of all, I‘m not sure that‘s accurate, but assuming that some of those things are occurring, it‘s not really a big surprise. As you know, because you‘re an expert in political science, there are tectonic shifts going on amongst the electorates. One of the things that‘s also happening is that women in this country understand that Trump has declared war on them by appointing three Supreme Court justices that have reversed Roe versus Wade, that has resulted in Alabama outlawing in vitro fertilization. Or in Ohio, police officers [having] gone into a woman‘s house to look into a toilet because they’ve now criminalized miscarriages. So now you see a huge swing, as should be expected, of women basically saying, ‘Why is the government in the business of my reproductive health,'” Landrieu stated.
“We are going to fight for every vote. We‘re going to go back to every constituency, we‘re going to earn every vote. The president’s going to talk about his record, how when he came into office, what he had to deal with, what it is that he put together in a bipartisan way — really, that has been second to none — and then he‘s going to talk about the future. But the bigger point that Joe Biden wants to tell America is that America is worth fighting for, that democracy [is at] risk, and that when we do things together we can do big things,” Landrieu continued.
“Donald Trump [is] sending the message, especially to Nikki Haley‘s supporter, [that] says, ‘Hey babe, it‘s my way or the highway. ANd I‘m not really interested in anybody that doesn‘t think like me. And I‘m interested in governing and chaos’ because tearing things down is what he thinks works. He could not be more wrong. And Joe Biden is going to stand between him and him trying to tear down democracy, and itt is not going to work. Joe Biden beat him before and he is going to beat him again.”
Within the New York Times/Siena poll conducted on Feb. 25 to 28, data showed that out of 980 registered voters, only one in four believes that “the country is moving in the right direction,” with over twice the number of voters believing Biden’s policies have hurt them compared to those voters who believe he has helped them. In addition to Trump reportedly holding an estimated five-point lead, the former president appears to be breaking the Democrat stronghold among women, which is now evenly split, Latino voters, of whom Trump leads and Black voters, for whom Biden’s support is shrinking considerably, according to the data.