HBO released the trailer Friday for “Chimp Crazy,” the new documentary from the “humans” who brought us “Tiger King.”
I am so sorry to ruin your day, but I need to tell you that there is a whole subculture of women who raise chimpanzees and monkeys as babies. And if I have to know about these women, you do too. Thankfully, we’re going to learn all about this demographic in the upcoming documentary “Chimp Crazy.”
The trailer introduces us to a former nurse-turned-exotic animal broker Tonia Haddix, who apparently calls herself the “Dolly Parton of chimps,” according to Warner Bros.
“Her limitless love for one chimpanzee in particular spins into a wild cat-and-mouse game with authorities and an animal rights group,” reads the descriptions. The story goes from hilarious to tragic, not so dissimilarly to “Tiger King,” as the filmmakers weave through the “captivating, often unfathomable, and secretive world of raising chimpanzees.” (RELATED: Step Aside ‘Tiger King,’ HBO’s Newest Doc ‘Telemarketers’ Will Become A Cult Phenomenon)
Similarly to the big cats we met in “Tiger King,” chimpanzees are known for their proclivity for violence — against each other and people. One such example involved a 200lbs chimp named Travis who mauled the face and hands of his owner’s friend, according to Animal Law. The chimp died after being shot by police during what sounded like a horrifying rampage.
The series drops on August 18, and I’m already freaked out.