
There’s A Lesson To Learn From The Turkish ‘Hitman’ Who Raw-Dogged His Way To Silver

Mr. Right Daily Caller Masculinity Consultant
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Turkey sent what appeared to be a hitman to the 2024 Summer Olympics, and without any fancy gear, the pistol shooter nabbed a silver medal.

Social media users have likened Yusuf Dikec to a stone-cold hitman straight out of a Netflix spy thriller — it’s hard not to disagree. There’s even a decent chance he’s a legit assassin who has taken out targets for his government. The chic glasses, the impassive face, the salt-pepper hair, the casual hand in the pocket. No virgin lens to avoid blur and boost precision; no ear muffs to protect from noise. This is a chad professional. And unlike the South Korean matrix Olympian (who’s pretty badass in her own right), Dikec raw-dogged it. (Click HERE to sign up for Mr. Right’s weekly newsletter)


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There’s a deeper lesson in Dikec’s success in the Olympic shooting ranges and rainy shipyards of Bulgaria. In a world that’s constantly trying to optimize everything, from exercise to dating, raw dogging it without the trappings of modern technology will feel like a huge relief. What can be, burdened by what has been. Yes, the old-school ways are the best ways, even if they seem like impediments.

To wit, I always play better when I raw dog it on the course. No golf spikes, just my black high-top Vans. No golf glove, just my calloused hands. No country music or Rolling Stones, just the sound of the breeze and the flush whack of my long irons. Sure, I toss in an upper-decky and crack into an ice-cold domestic at the turn. But I’m not using a laser rangefinder to get a precise distance to the pin and overanalyzing the wind speed.

It’s not just sports. Life in general is better when you raw dog it. Life is better when you enjoy the beautiful sunset in the moment instead of whipping out your phone to take a pic for your Instagram story. Talking to girls is better when you cold-approach them as a total stranger with no rehearsed pickup lines. Writing is more fun when you don’t outline and just let it rip.

So as the summer comes to a close, raw dog it like the Turkish hitman. You’ll have more fun, and feel more human.

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Joe Biden Commits The Cardinal Sin Of Breakups

Biden literally broke up with America via text. It was a pretty big moment in American political history, a massive decision for Biden, but he opted to announce the split with a tweet, treating the U.S.A. as if she was a cheap hooker, a summer fling, a situationship, undeserving of respect.

This is not the way, because there is only one way to break up: in person. Face-to-face conversation, no matter how emotionally turbulent and awkward and tear-soaked it may be. You need to look your partner in the eye and tell them that it’s over. No email, no FaceTime, Lord knows no tweet. A ten-page, handwritten letter with very beautiful, honest prose that is sent from a remote island in the Mediterranean would be acceptable, but otherwise, in person is the only way.

D.C. Bureaucrats Have Unleashed A Hell On American Men They May Come To Regret

The city has single-handedly put an end to online Zyn shipments after the attorney general requested information about Philip Morris’ compliance with a city ban on flavored tobacco products. The ban includes flavored synthetic nicotine products.

In reply to this implicit threat from D.C., Philip Morris is ceasing all online sales from Zyn.com until the matter is resolved.

This is outrageous on its face. For starters, the anti-big tobacco crusade of the left has gone way too far when grown men can’t put whatever they damn well please into their mouths. Banning flavored tobacco products to begin with is egregious government overreach.

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