
Kayakers Get Stalked By Great White Shark In Horrifying Video

(Photo by JOSEPH PREZIOSO/AFP via Getty Images)

Andrew Powell Sports and Entertainment Blogger
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Talk about nerve-racking.

An Oakland teacher was just casually out fishing with his friend in Half Moon Bay, California recently when he saw a large fin following his buddy’s kayak.

Footage was shot by Ian Walters of a great white shark that was around 13-14 feet long, stalking both of them while they were out in the water. (RELATED: Angler Wins Whopping $3.699 Million For Placing 1st Place At White Marlin Open, Only Placed 1.5 Pounds Bigger Than 2nd)

“We watched it kind of go back around and start following me,” Walters said to ABC7. “And we just tried to keep each other calm and not give any reason for a reaction from the shark, and just led it toward some seals and eventually it let us go.”

Walters went on to say that the apex predator wasn’t threatening whatsoever, rather curious.

He said all that was heard was a calm bubbling underneath the waters, even describing it as a “magical moment.”


Yeah, I’m not gonna lie, I’d be absolutely terrified.

It’s my dream to go deep sea fishing in an attempt to catch a marlin, I wanna get it plaqued and everything, but what puts me off from actually doing it is getting sea sick. I’ve been seasick before, and I remember exactly how horrible it felt, and I never want to experience that again. So I’ve got to figure out a way to get past that fear.

But then you want to throw a great white shark into the mix while kayaking?

Yeah, I’m out.