David Cohen
Former Deputy Assistant Sec. of the InteriorDavid B. Cohen served in the administration of President George W. Bush as U.S. Representative to the Pacific Community, as Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior, and as a member of the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. He is the author of “<a href="https://www.createspace.com/3859219"> Left-Hearted, Right-Minded: Why Conservative Policies Are The Best Way To Achieve Liberal Ideals</a>.” Follow him on Twitter @DavidBCohen1.
Trump's "Tight Slap" To Pakistan Cheers India
Indian PM's Historic Trip To Israel: Great For Both Countries--And The U.S.
Tillerson Prepares The State Department For Change
Trump Sends A Message That Was Heard From One End of Asia To The Other
With Jews Under Siege, It's Time To Debunk Left-Liberal Narratives On Israel
India's Prime Minister Rocks Silicon Valley
As The Smoke Clears In Baltimore, It's Time To Revive Compassionate Conservatism
Can Marco Rubio Build A Rainbow On The Right?
In Lashing Out At Netanyahu, Democrats Insult Us All
Obama Insults India, Krauthammer Defends Her
Ferguson Brings Back Memories Of Samoan Police Shootings
Team Obama Inadvertently Takes 'Credit' for Ensuring Iran Goes Nuclear
Modi, And India, Take Their Place On The World Stage
Let's Stop Saying That Islamists Are Fighting The 'West'
No Country Has More Friends Of Israel Than ... India?
The Left's Crush On Hamas
Hating Israel: BDS Stands For 'Bigoted Double Standards'
Can We Find The Path To 'Minimum Government, Maximum Governance'?
For India And Israel, 'Higher Standards' Are Double Standards
Jay Carney Becomes 'Jay Isuzu'
Neel Kashkari and the future of the GOP
Congress's misguided crusade against India
Is India about to elect its Reagan?
Quick and easy rebuttals to fiscal cliff tax demagoguery
Why you should buy Greg Gutfeld’s new book
Building a rainbow on the right
Undecideds: Please read this before voting
Destroying Obama’s foreign policy credibility in three easy steps
When all else fails, call Romney a liar
Quick and easy rebuttals to Obama’s false narratives
The condescending racism of (some) white liberals
Quick and easy smackdowns of ‘Medi-Scare’ falsehoods
Paul Ryan and the farce of liberal compassion
The lying game
Obama’s path to victory: Change the subject, change history
Obama can’t hide his contempt for small business
Obama’s sense of ‘fairness’ is unfair to minorities
Obamacare is a disaster, but the Supreme Court ruling is not
The breathtaking dishonesty of Andrea Mitchell