Veronique Dorey

Veronique Dorey

Freelance Writer

Veronique Dorey Collier was born in September 77 in Le Mans France to Norman English roots on her dad’s side (British Islands and Cotentin in the Duchy of Normandy). She studied political science, Norman Law, International law and Comparative Law at the University of Caen (Normandy) and La Sorbonne (Paris). She participated in Jacques Chirac's presidential campaign in 2002; she’s also a TV ad producer and an author. One of her books is “Jacques Chirac Humaniste & Universel” (editions Racine Brussels). Released in 2009, it was in favor of American Democrats (the Clintons and Barack Obama). The rise of the Islamic State and Obamacare convinced her to turn to a more conservative opinion. She believes American leadership needs to become strongly involved again on the international stage, and Europe too.