david plouffe
Dem Operatives Who Were Partially Responsible For Iowa Caucus Chaos Are Bailing On Shadow Company
Here Are The Obama-Era Operatives And Former Journos Behind A Covert Propaganda Outfit
OH, LOOK: Obama To Deliver Post-WH Speech To Giant Clinton Donor
Former Obama Campaign Manager Fined $90,000 For Illegal Lobbying
Obama's Top Strategist Fined 90K For Lobbying Violation
Obama's Political Guru Concedes Election: 'Never Been As Wrong On Anything In My Life'
NYT John Harwood Refers To Obama As 'The Black Guy'
Why Did Obama's Campaign Manager Brief Susan Rice Ahead Of Benghazi TV Show Appearances?
Former Obama Campaign Manager Says Hillary's Poll Numbers On Honesty Are 'Concerning'
Surprise! Obama Foundation Cashing In With Wall Street
WH Advisor David Plouffe Still Thinks Republicans Are Crazy, Even After Tea Party Defeats
Former top Obama adviser: Obamacare will work 'really well' in 2017
Obama campaign manager: House Republicans 'committing economic treason'
Democrats' new scandal tactic: sniveling
Plouffe on IRS targeting conservatives: 'Not a political pursuit,' Rove: 'Baloney'
Obama strategist slams NRA's op-ed in The Daily Caller
Top aide: Obama seeks to split GOP into warring factions before 2014 midterm election
Top Obama adviser made $100,000 from Iran-affiliated company
President's senior campaign adviser admits Obama to run on 2008 message