
Video Shows Tennis Star Novak Djokovic Collapse In Pain After Fan Appears To Drop Metal Water Bottle On His Head


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A disturbing video shows global tennis star Novak Djokovic collapse in pain after a fan appeared to accidentally drop a metal water bottle on his head following his Friday victory in the Italian Open.

Djokovic was signing autographs for fans outside of the Foro Italico tunnel in Rome, Italy when a solid metal water bottle appeared to slip out of a fan’s bag and clunk Djokovic right in the head.

Initial footage fueled speculation that a fan may have intentionally attacked Djokovic, but after International BNL d’Italia released an alternate angle and a statement, it appears the incident was an accident. (RELATED: Unknown 20-Year-Old Beats One Of Greatest Athletes Ever In Massive Upset)

“Novak Djokovic on leaving the Central court at the end of his match was accidentally hit on the head by a water bottle while signing autographs to spectators. He underwent appropriate medication and has already left the Foro Italico to return to his hotel; his condition is not a cause for concern,” the organization’s management stated, according to the tweet.

For a second there I was ready to go to war for the Djoker. While the rest of the world hid their heads in the sand during the Covid-19 pandemic, Djokovic put his career and reputation on the line to stand up for his beliefs and speak out against mandatory Covid vaccinations. While you may not agree with his position, you’ve gotta respect the balls it takes to reject the Covid orthodoxy when you have nothing to gain and everything to lose from it. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Demand Biden End Vaccine Mandate For Foreign Travelers Into US, Defend Novak Djokovic)

Of course, not everybody respects it, and Djoker has made himself some enemies because of his outspoken nature. So I was fully prepared to write this article about some scumbag triple-vaxxed, double-masked nincompoop who hates the Djoker and allegedly wanted to see him hurt. But alas, it appears it was just an accident.