
United Airlines Flight Diverts After Toilet Contents Flow Into Cabin: REPORT

(Photo by DANIEL SLIM/AFP via Getty Images)

Mariane Angela Entertainment And News Reporter
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A flight en route from Frankfurt, Germany, to San Francisco, California, had to return Friday after the contents of the toilet poured into the cabin, Fox News reported.

United Airlines flight turned around after a malfunctioning toilet caused waste tank contents to spill into the passenger area, according to Fox News. The sewage from a broken toilet spilled inside the plane and the problem made the Boeing 777 turn back to where it started after they couldn’t fix it while flying.

A spokesperson from United Airlines clarified the situation and said that the plane had to go back to Frankfurt because of a problem with the toilet system. The passengers were given hotel rooms to stay in overnight and were placed on different flights the next day.

“On Friday, March 29, United Flight 59 returned to Frankfurt following a maintenance issue with one of the aircraft’s lavatories,” a spokesperson for United Airlines told The Sun. The airline resolved the issue by providing overnight hotel accommodations for the passengers and arranging for them to take different flights the next day, The Sun stated. (RELATED: REPORT: Airline Giant Requests Boeing To Cease Production Of Max 10 Jets The Airline Initially Purchased)

This incident adds to a series of troublesome events that United Airlines has faced recently. A flight from Israel to Newark had to change course because of strong winds, and some passengers ended up in the hospital, Fox News reported. Another flight traveling from Sydney to San Francisco turned back due to a leak near the wheels. Also, a plane traveling from San Francisco to Japan lost a wheel when taking off and had to go to Los Angeles instead.