
Watch Kidnapped Father Of Luis Diaz Break Down After Seeing His Son Score


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Colombian soccer star Luis Diaz’s father, just days after being released by kidnappers, was moved to tears after witnessing his son score two goals for Colombia, a video posted to Twitter shows.

Both Diaz’s mother and his father were kidnapped in late October in northern Colombia by a guerilla group known as the National Liberation Army, or ELN, according to the Associated Press. Armed members of the ELN nabbed the pair at a gas station while riding motorcycles. Local police rescued his mother, Cilenis Marulanda, immediately but were unable to locate his father as quickly, per the AP.

After a 12 day ordeal and multiple public pleas from the younger Diaz, the ELN released his father claiming his kidnapping was a “mistake.” Colombian authorities apparently arrested four in connection to the incident, according to the AP. (RELATED: ‘Oh, For F*ck’s Sake’: Shocking Audio Exposes Refs Botching Crucial Call In Real Time)

The pair were reunited Nov 14 just in time for the elder Diaz to see his son score twice in a World Cup qualifier on the evening of Nov 16. Luis Manuel Diaz, dressed in his son’s jersey, can be seen collapsing into fellow spectators following his son’s goal, clearly overcome with emotion. The proud father wept with tears of joy after seeing his son help Colombia defeat Brazil in the qualifier match, something they hadn’t done in 15 games, per ESPN.

After the game the younger Diaz gave thanks to God, saying “I thank God. He makes it all possible. We have always lived tough moments, but life makes you strong and brave. So is soccer and so is life,” the striker said, per ESPN. “We deserved this victory.”