Illegal Alien Arrested For Sexually Assaulting A Minor, But Then Released After Detainer Ignored, ICE Says

(Photo by David Dee Delgado/Getty Images)

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Jason Hopkins Immigration Reporter
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Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is faulting local authorities for allowing an illegal alien arrested for sexually assaulting a minor to be released back into the community, ignoring a detainer request on that individual.

Deportation officers apprehended a 26-year-old Honduran national, living illegally in the U.S., shortly after he was arrested locally and charged with first degree sexual assault of a minor, ICE announced in a press release on Friday. ICE nabbed the Honduran, who was not named in the press release, on April 4 in New Britain, Connecticut, after he was released from local custody.

ICE attempted to assume custody while he remained in local detention, but the Hartford Correctional Center ignored their detainer — a move the agency warns is dangerous for communities, according to the press release. (RELATED: Illegal Immigrant Arrested For 13th Time After Years-Long Crime Spree, ICE Says)

“This is a disturbing example of how noncooperative jurisdictions can pose a significant threat to communities in our region,” [Enforcement and Removal Operations] Boston Field Office Director Todd M. Lyons stated in a press release. “Despite the presence of an immigration detainer, local authorities released an alleged sexual predator onto the streets of a Connecticut neighborhood.”

The Honduran national illegally crossed into the U.S. near Rio Grande City, Texas in August 2013, ICE revealed. Customs and Border Protection agents arrested him and gave him a notice to appear before an immigration judge.

He was subsequently released to family in New Britain.

Migrants board buses to take them to shelters after being released from migration detention as construction of a new migrant processing facility is underway at the Customs and Border Protection – El Paso Border Patrol Station on the east side of El Paso on April 28, 2019. – Migrants kept behind concertina and barbed wire underneath the the Paso Del Norte International Bridge in downtown El Paso were moved to temporary tents here after major outcry against the practice. (Photo by Paul RATJE / AFP) (Photo credit should read PAUL RATJE/AFP via Getty Images)

New Britain police arrested and charged him with first degree sexual assault against a minor under the age of 13 and illegal sexual contact with a minor on Sept. 14, 2023. ICE subsequently lodged a detainer request for him with the Hartford Correctional Center.

However, officials at the Hartford Correctional Center ignored the detainer and released him on Feb. 1, 2024.

ICE officers were able to locate and apprehend the Honduran national without incident on April 4, and he will remain in federal custody pending removal proceedings, the agency announced.

ICE reiterated their desire for local jurisdictions to cooperate with them in order to keep the community safe.

“ERO Boston stands ready to work with local jurisdictions to prioritize public safety throughout New England,” Lyons stated.

Detainer requests are lodged by ICE when a suspected illegal alien is placed into custody at a local or state detention facility. The detainers ask that the facility or law enforcement agency notify ICE in advance if they plan on releasing the alien, and also ask that they maintain custody long enough to allow ICE agents time to make an apprehension.

However, many sanctuary cities and other jurisdictions have enacted policies that strictly prohibit local law enforcement officials from working with ICE agents, forcing them to ignore many of these detainer requests.

The New Britain Police Department couldn’t be reached for comment.

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