
March Madness Star DJ Burns Has A Legit Shot To Go Pro, But Not In The Sport You Think

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March Madness star DJ Burns is apparently getting serious consideration to play offensive line in the NFL, according to multiple reports.

Now, while these reports may be the unfortunate byproduct of a journalist’s least favorite holiday, April Fools’ Day, I have good reason to believe they’re legit.

First, there’s NFL Network’s Peter Schrager, a well-sourced league insider who claims he, “Spoke to and texted multiple scouts/GMs about NC State big man DJ Burns as an NFL OT prospect over the last 24 hours. He is listed at 6’9, but probably is 6’7. A+ footwork.”

“Would get big turnout & potentially $ if he participated in a Pro Day/workout the week after the Final 4,” Schrager tweeted Monday morning.

Adding to the intrigue was Jim Nagy, the executive director of the Senior Bowl, a flagship draft event that pits NFL Draft prospects against each other in a live-action game that has become a must-attend event for NFL scouts and GMs alike.

Nagy also touted Burns’ athletic prowess and practically slobbered over the big man’s skills on Twitter.

“Anyone else having trouble watching N.C State big man D.J. Burns and not thinking about him kick-sliding in pass pro or getting out on pulls? Can’t just be me,” he wrote Friday. (RELATED: Officials Make Truly Shocking Error That Calls Into Question Entirety Of March Madness)

He then added that NFL scouts in his circles agreed.

“Got texts from a GM, Ass’t GM, and college director within an hour of posting this on Friday night,” he tweeted Monday morning. “NFL interest in D.J. Burns is a real thing.”

A few hours later, as if responding to thoughts within my very own brain, he addressed the April Fools’ of it all.

“I don’t do lame April fools posts,” he tweeted, alleviating the concerns of sports bloggers and reporters everywhere.

Burns at offensive tackle makes perfect sense. He has great footwork for a big man. He has a massive body at six feet, nine inches and 275 pounds. And the big boy can move.

And while NBA players typically make more money than their NFL counterparts, it would be a lot easier for Burns to stick on a 53-man roster in the NFL as a development project than it would be for him to crack an NBA squad’s 10-man rotation.

The majority of NBA draft analysts don’t currently have Burns projected as a first-round pick. He may be better off declaring for the NFL draft, finding a coach that loves hog mollies, and going buck-wild bullying defensive ends for the next 15 years.

Based on his hilarious trolling of Duke after stomping them out of the NCAA Tournament, I’ll be rooting for him no matter what he does next.