
Greece’s Representative Marina Satti At Eurovision Song Contest Slammed For Yawning While Israeli Competitor Speaks


Mariane Angela Entertainment And News Reporter
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Greece’s representative at the Eurovision Song Contest stirred controversy after she was filmed Friday yawning and appearing to nap while her Israeli competitor was speaking.

The incident took place during a panel interview in Malmö, Sweden where Eurovision finalists gathered May 11 before the grand finale. Greece’s Marina Satti was filmed visibly yawning and curling up to rest her head on the table while Israel’s Eden Golan was speaking. The footage went viral, sparking a flurry of criticism and debate among Eurovision fans and observers on social media, including numerous X (formerly Twitter) users, lashed out at Satti’s behavior. (RELATED: Republican Lawmaker Wants To Send Antisemitism Monitors To Campuses, Pull Funding From Schools That Don’t Comply)

Not all the feedback, however, was negative. Some fans came to Satti’s defense, celebrating her relaxed demeanor.

Despite facing controversy and protests from pro-Palestinian demonstrators, Israeli singer Golan advanced Thursday to the finals of the Eurovision Song Contest.