
Daily Caller Columnist Rips Kamala Harris’ Lack Of ‘Decorum’ During Summit Speech

[Screenshot/Newsmax/"Carl Higbie Frontline"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Daily Caller columnist Mary Rooke ripped Vice President Kamala Harris’ lack of “decorum” Monday on Newsmax during her discussion at the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) leadership summit.

Rooke appeared on “Carl Higbie Frontline” to discuss Harris’ recent attendance at the APAICS leadership summit held in Washington D.C. on Monday morning. During a discussion about “breaking barriers,” Harris said that while some opportunities may be given, others may require you to “kick the fucking door down.” (RELATED: ‘Kick The F*cking Door Down’: Kamala Raises Eyebrows With Intense Advice For Young People)

Newsmax host Carl Higbie questioned Rooke on her thoughts regarding the advice given by Harris, to which Rooke called out the high crimes in Democrat cities and the vice president’s “convoluted” statements.

“So is this the advice that she’s giving to everybody in Chicago, Philly and New York City? Because they’re just kicking doors down and robbing people left and right,” Rooke said. “I mean, what kind of advice is that — number one. Number two: does she remember that she’s the vice president of the United States? There has to be some decorum.”

“She stands up there, kind of slurring her words, giving this roundabout statement,” Rooke continued. “The whole thing was really convoluted. She’s like, ‘You’re in there and we’re in there with you. And you need to remember that we’re in there with you and not to be silent because we’re standing right there with you.’ It’s just like get a hold of yourself. These people are looking at you like a joke because there’s not a single person that takes her seriously in D.C. or anywhere else,” Rooke continued. “At the end of the day whenever you have a vice president of the United States sitting on a panel of anything you do not expect her to be dropping the f-bomb.”

In addition to speaking about breaking barriers for young members, Harris also discussed abortion and “gun violence prevention” initiatives which have been some of her key points while being back on the campaign trail for the 2024 elections. However, the vice president currently sits just below President Joe Biden’s disapproval ratings among voters.

Within a recent poll conducted by Redfield and Wilton Strategies, the survey found 44% of voters disapproved of Harris’ time as vice president, with Biden sitting at 46%, according to the data.