Illegal Immigrant Allegedly Attacked Victims In ‘Rape Dungeon On Wheels’: REPORT

YouTube/Screenshot/FOX 11 Los Angeles

Dana Abizaid Contributor
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California police said they arrested a man accused of being a serial rapist, and the incidents allegedly took place in a “rape dungeon on wheels,” FOX 11 reported Wednesday.

Police said they caught Eduardo Sarabia, a Mexican transient and illegal immigrant, allegedly committing sexual assaults inside a white van in the Angeles National Forest, according to FOX 11. Prosecutors charged Sarabia with two counts of forcible rape linked to two incidents that allegedly occurred May 12 and 13 in a 2015 Ford Transit van with no windows in the back. (RELATED: Illegal Immigrant Charged With Raping Minor Twice After Local Officials Fail To Uphold Immigration Detainer)


Sarabia used that van, which sources said was a “rape dungeon on wheels” and “disgustingly outfitted for rape,” to allegedly commit the crimes, FOX 11 reported.

Citizens who live near where the alleged crimes occurred told FOX 11 they’d like to see the suspect never return to the streets.

“I think it’s terrible that we can’t even be safe on the streets. It’s hard to believe the way things are today and the way they used to be. You can’t even be on public transportation with two people being stabbed. It’s scary,” Rita Miller, a local resident, said.

“It’s scary. It’s not safe, you know I have kids and it worries me. It’s really scary, and I’m glad he’s been caught. I’m glad that it’s over with him,” Anna Dueñas, another resident, said.

Sarabia, who faces another court date in June, is being held without bail, FOX 11 reported.