
Star Wideout Says Team’s Miserable Season Led To ‘Worst Year Of My Life’

(Photo by Sean M. Haffey/Getty Images)

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The New York Jets were so bad this year that their star receiver Garrett Wilson told management it was “the worst year of my life,” according to a recent ESPN report.

Wilson relayed his misery to the Jets in a postseason venting session as part of an exit interview, he told ESPN’s Bart Scott and Alan Hahn on Tuesday.

“They’ve definitely let me vent, I guess you could say,” he told Bart and Hahn. “They allow me to do that and they have insightful answers to all the things I ask, all of my worries, and it all comes with good answers from them. They have an open-door policy. We had our exit meetings this week. … Even past that, we’ve had conversations. That’s something I don’t take for granted because the intentions are there to get this thing the way it should be,” he said, according to the ESPN report.

The second year pro’s comments came despite the fact that he enjoyed a moderately successful season from a statistical standpoint. The former Buckeye enjoyed his second straight 1,000 yard season. Still, a second straight losing season is not something the wideout is used to after three winning years in Columbus.

“I hear I had a good year. It’s the worst year of my life, though,” Wilson told Bart and Hahn. “That’s the reality of it. What happened this season can’t happen again.” (RELATED: Forget The White House — Andrew Yang Belongs In The NFL Commissioner’s Office)

Wilson was part of the recruiting team that helped pitch the Jets to star quarterback Aaron Rodgers. The youngster seemed as excited as anyone to finally have a consistent quarterback after dealing with four separate quarterbacks in 2022.

But alas, the dysfunctional Jets seemed cursed to continue their old ways as Rodgers tore his Achilles on the Jets’ first play from scrimmage and they went right back into the hole of QB mediocrity.

If Rodgers can bounce back from the injury and finally deliver the Jets and Wilson a winning season, I’ll be rooting for them more than anyone. But knowing the Jets, I’d be hard pressed to bet on them surpassing their seven wins this year.