DC Trawler

MSNBC = Morning Show Natters 'Bout the Caller

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[flashvideo file=http://dailycaller.firenetworks.com/001646/dailycaller.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/dailycallerdrinkinggame.flv /]

My drinking game is called When I Have a Drink in My Hand, I Drink It. I drink the hell out of it. I show that drink who’s boss.

It is.

It is the boss of me.

P.S. Here are some of the rules for our drinking game, if you want to play along at home. All by yourself. Not that I’m judging.

  • If Obama says “This will not be easy,” chug half your drink.
  • If Obama says “Challenging times,” start a waterfall with a staff member of The Daily Caller. There will be one of us near the emcee.
  • If Obama says “Bipartisan” or “Bipartisanship,” the back section of the bar yells “Yes,” while the front section yells “No.” Whichever side is louder should take a drink. Or take a drink after you lock arms with a person next to you (like a romantic toast).
  • Every time the camera shows the Supreme Court justices not standing, take a drink and then recite your Miranda rights.
  • If the camera shows Joe Wilson, yell “You lie” and then take a drink. If Joe Wilson yells “You lie,” finish everything in your glass.

I suggested that every time Obama says “Change,” everybody should throw all the coins in their pockets on the floor. Which would be awesome for me because I really need to do laundry. Tucker fired me on the spot. Do you know of any jobs?

P.S. “My own preference is to drink every time he says something that will obviously cost me money. If that seems like an invitation to alcohol poisoning, you could narrow it down slightly by drinking only when something will cost you money and make the economy worse at the same time.”

Jim Treacher