DC Trawler

Sorry to disappoint you, but I probably won't be liveblogging the SOTU thing tonight

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Not that I’d have much to add anyway, beyond “This sucks and is boring” or “They’re standing and clapping again, LOL!” If you want something more substantive and, like, smart and stuff? Check out the Cato Institute’s SOTU liveblog here.

Me, I’ll be seeing just how much more mileage I can get out of this old liver. They say you always hurt the ones you love? I love you, liver.

P.S. Tucker Mr. Carlson saw this post and immediately ordered me to liveblog from our party tonight. I really need this job, so I guess I’m liveblogging from our party tonight. Hey, it’s not like it’ll be the first time I’ve been drunk at work. It’s a lot easier than you might think to pilot a 747.

Jim Treacher