DC Trawler

You guys, the State of the Union address is tonight!!

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Are you pumped? I am so pumped. Obama is going to make a speech! Woooo!

He’ll probably talk about all the things he’s done right in the past year. Like…



Well, I got this job. I have him to thank for that. As well as everybody else here at The Daily Caller. We probably wouldn’t be here if Barry and Harry and Nancy and all their friends hadn’t been doing what they’ve been doing. So that’s around 20 jobs created or saved or whatever. Feel free to throw that accomplishment in there, Mr. President.

And then there was that other thing? With the guy? When Obama said that stuff about that one deal? That was great. That… that really went well.

What else? I know there’s something.

P.S. He’s still very handsome. Don’t you think?
P.P.S. I forgot the Easter Egg roll! No serious injuries. Thumbs up.

Jim Treacher