Health care shill ditches White House

Mike Riggs Contributor
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Sam Stein reports:

White House spokeswoman Linda Douglass, a key player in the messaging effort behind the Obama administration’s health care reform plan and a ubiquitous presence on the cable news circuit, is stepping down from her post.

The former ABC correspondent, who went to work with Obama during his presidential campaign, confirmed to the Huffington Post that she would be leaving her role as Communications Director in the Office of Health Reform.

“It was been a tremendous honor to serve the President and leaving this great team is bittersweet,” Douglass said in a statement. “After nearly two years of work that has been exiliarating and grueling in equal measure, I am going to step off the treadmill for now and rediscover the experience of dining with my husband on a regular basis. I could not be prouder of having worked on the healthcare team and will be cheering from the sidelines as this historic law takes effect.”

My guess? Look for Douglass soon on TV or at a J-school.