Study: Men are bigger liars than women

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This will come as no surprise to women all over the world: Men are big fat liars. According to a new poll from England, the average man tells three lies a day. Men’s most frequent fib: “I didn’t have that much to drink.”

Women lie twice a day on average, and are more likely than men to feel guilty afterwards. Women tend to be dishonest most often when attempting to hide their feelings, making statements such as, “Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.”

Researchers disagree on the origins of frequent lying, and are still debating as to whether it stems from our upbringing, genes, or evolution. Regardless of reasoning, the average man tells 1,092 lies per year, and the average woman tells 728.

The poll reports that people perceive women as better liars, even though they lie less frequently. According to Katie Maggs, associate medical curator at the Science Museum, lying is “an important part of social interaction.”

And given that women are the best liars, we’re inclined to believe her either way.

Full story: BBC News – Men are bigger liars than women, says poll