1.) Republicans made America hate Obamacare, says Pres. Obamacare — As part of his “I’m Sorry House Dems for Killing Everything You Love” tour, Pres. Obama stopped by 60 Minutes, where he told an old white-hair the story of why America hates his health-care bill. “I couldn’t get the kind of cooperation from Republicans that I had hoped for,” the president said. “And that was costly, partly because it created the kind of partisanship and bickering that really turn people off.” As most Americans hopefully know, Pres. Obama went ahead with his health-care plan despite GOP opposition. “I made the decision to go ahead and do it, and it proved as costly politically as we expected–probably actually a little more costly than we expected, politically.” Shorter 60 Minutes segment: President Obama does not have a firm grip on reality.
2.) Michelle Obama, FDA engage in huge cheesy lie — Last year, popular fat person chain Domino’s Pizza underwent a makeover. With the help of a firm called Dairy Management and a $12 million marketing campaign, Domino’s added 40 percent more cheese to its pizzas and showered America with catchy ads. As a result, sales went through the roof. The only problem? “Dairy Management, which has made cheese its cause, is not a private business consultant,” reveals the New York Times. “It is a marketing creation of the United States Department of Agriculture — the same agency at the center of a federal anti-obesity drive that discourages over-consumption of some of the very foods Dairy Management is vigorously promoting.” Will Michelle Obama come out against the pro-obesity agency that her husband is funding?
3.) Now that midterms are over, GOP insiders resume openly loathing Michael Steele — The average Republican voter may not be aware of the existence of RNC Chairman Michael Steele, but he is once again on the minds of Washington insiders, most of whom would like to depose him and forget he ever existed. “The conflict within the GOP over whether a clear contender will emerge to challenge Steele is expected to reach a head this week, as the time to campaign grows shorter ahead of the RNC’s vote in January on its next chairman,” reports The Daily Caller’s Jon Ward. “Many within the party adamantly do not want Steele to gain a second term. They say he has been a profligate spender who deprived the party of key financial and get out the vote resources that could have translated into an even bigger win than the GOP had last Tuesday.” The only question now is which old southern white guy will take away this black man’s job?
4.) French film-crew uncovers Marco Rubio’s distaste for Tea Party extremism — Yes, even if that extremism is only in the form of a “Don’t tread on me” flag! “When a French TV station set out to understand the American phenomenon known as the tea party, it sent a reporter to Florida, down a dusty country road, past a bug-swarmed pond, and into a Pasco County pasture filled with people waving American flags,” reports the Miami Herald. In the midst of that pasture was Senate candidate Marco Rubio and a bunch of Tea Partiers. “The typically unflappable candidate seemed uncomfortable with the French reporter’s questions about his tea party ties, as he did when an admirer asked him to autograph a tea party banner.” What does it all mean? Presumably, that Rubio will not be one of Sen. Jim Demint’s wacky rogue senators!
5.) NPR analyst uncovers vast leftwing conspiracy — While more likely to enroll students who can’t hack it at normal college, for-profit colleges such as Kaplan, University of Phoenix Online, and that place down the street that teaches hair-cutting have higher-than-usual student loan default and attrition rates. And because some of these schools get as much as 97% of their revenue from federal subsidies, the Department of Education tried to regulate them earlier this year. And would have, too, if Congress had not risen up like a viper and told Arnie Duncan it would strike him dead if he tried to regulate for-profit colleges. NPR’s Cokie Roberts knows exactly why: “The biggest objection to [regulation] has come from the fact that The Washington Post would go out of business if Kaplan went out of business,” Roberts said during a weekend event. “Because The Washington Post money all comes from Kaplan and the Democrats don’t want The Washington Post to go out of business, so I think there are a lot of forces militating against those rules at the moment.” Cokie Roberts, everybody!
6.) Democrats starting to hate Obama almost as much as Republicans hate Steele — “Many Democrats privately say they are skeptical that Obama is self-aware enough to make the sort of dramatic changes they feel are needed – in his relations with other Democrats or in his very approach to the job,” reports gossip magazine Politico. “In his effort to change Washington, Obama has failed to engage Washington and its institutions and customs, leaving him estranged from the capital’s permanent power structure – right at the moment when Democrats say he must rethink his strategy for cultivating and nurturing relations with key constituencies ahead of 2012.” In other words: “We go play hoop” does not translate to “I’ll play ball.”
VIDEO: Keith Olbermann is an impartial journalist. Just ask him!