
Huckabee to tout family values in major Iowa speech

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(CNN) – As he mulls another bid for the White House, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee brings a message of strong family values to Iowa this weekend as he headlines a major gathering of social conservatives.

Huckabee, who ran for 2008 Republican presidential nomination and won that year’s Iowa caucuses, will point to what he considers the current assault on marriage and families as a factor in the rise of poverty.

“Statistics show poverty is largely the result of the traditional family’s decline. When children grow up in homes where the mother and father don’t work, don’t have an education and are solely on government assistance – then everyone involved becomes trapped in a devastating cycle of poverty,” Huckabee will say Sunday when he keynotes the Iowa Family Policy Center’s “Celebrate the Family” event, according to excerpts released to CNN.

Full Story: Huckabee to tout family values in major Iowa speech – CNN Political Ticker – CNN.com Blogs