The science of your hangover

wrahn Contributor
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Hangoverville is a place nobody wants to visit, but the road towards it is one many of us end up taking, especially during the party season. The telltale signs of having reached your destination are unmistakable and aptly described on a global scale. “Smacked from behind” is the literal translation of the Swedish word for hangover. Meanwhile, the Salvadoreans describe themselves as waking up “made of rubber”, the French with a “wooden mouth” or a “hair ache” and the Danes with “carpenters in the forehead”.

“In the past, dehydration was thought to be the main cause of hangover symptoms,” says Emma Derbyshire, independent nutritionist and consultant to the Natural Hydration Council. “But now, scientists believe that alcohol withdrawal, and chemicals formed in the body when our livers break down alcohol, also contribute to those dreaded symptoms.”

Full story: The science of your hangover – Features, Food & Drink – The Independent