DC Trawler

The latest Keith Olbermann news from your friends at KeithOlbermann.com!

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You might think that because Keith Olbermann isn’t on TV anymore, KeithOlbermann.com is kaput. You couldn’t be more wrong! Here’s just a sampling of the latest offerings here at KeithOlbermann.com, your one-stop shop for Keith Olbermann news & commentary.

According to our own Jeff Poor, Don Imus is being mean to Rachel Maddow about her failure to defend Keith:

Initially Maddow pled ignorance immediately following the announcement on HBO’s Friday broadcast of “Real Time with Bill Maher.” On her Monday night show, she praised her former colleague. But that wasn’t good enough for former MSNBC host Don Imus, who now hosts his show on the Fox Business Network.

“Having nothing to do with her politics – she is a gutless coward and I’ll tell you why,” Imus said. “Because everybody knew what the situation was with Olbermann at MSNBC. We used to work there. Tom Bowman, who is our producer and Elisha who is one of our producers – they both worked with me at MSNBC. They left there to come with me to — and by the way, don’t look for any of Olbermann’s producers to go anyplace with him. However, so we all know people. We still know everybody who is at MSNBC. Everybody knew what was going on with Keith. Everybody knew what was going to happen to him. For this woman, who owed her job to him – she’s live there with Bill Maher, everybody watching the terribly influential program not to offer a defense of Olbermann, in spite of what you think about Olbermann is unconscionable.”

Let’s hear it for Jeff, transcribing Imus’s barely coherent grumblings!

In other Keith Olbermann news, the other night Stephen Colbert made fun of him. You can skip the first three minutes (or, if you’re a fan of comedy, the whole thing):

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Stephen Rejects Keith Olbermann’s Power
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> Video Archive

But don’t worry, Olby fans: Colbert always means the opposite of what he says!

Caroline May brings us the sad news that feminists don’t like Keith:

With Keith Olbermann on the outs at MSNBC, women’s rights advocates are saying “so long” with broad smiles.

Despite the fact that he posed as a sensitive mouthpiece for the oppressed and voiceless, many in the women’s movement point to Olbermann’s numerous, shameful comments and actions toward women as their reason cheer his demise.

Caroline lists some of these very special comments, but feel free to disregard the ones about conservative women. If they’re ticked off, they should’ve thought of that before Keith became attracted to them!

As Laura Donovan reports, there’s no love lost between Keith and his nemesis — well, one of his many nemeses, along with everybody else who has ever had a bigger audience than him — Glenn Beck:

“You can handle the mediocre ratings if the guy’s not a total pain in the ass, but from every indication, Keith Olbermann is the biggest pain in the ass in the world,” Beck said. “Nobody liked working with him, and he was impossible to work with, and just from what I’ve seen from the news, and I don’t want to get into the nonsense that you hear behind the scenes…just what you hear on the news, who can run a company with someone like that? They just don’t care about anything…Apparently not Comcast.”

Oh yeah, Glenn Beck? Well, you’re… you’re… employed! Ha. Take that.

Finally, via Jeff Poor again:

On Monday’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” host Bill O’Reilly addressed Olbermann’s departure, but without ever mentioning Olbermann’s name.

“They took one of their guys out and then they’re moving everybody else around. Doesn’t matter who he is or why they took him out,” O’Reilly said. “[I] don’t want to get involved with any of that personal stuff…”

O’Reilly noted that MSNBC was ranked 28th overall in cable ratings, which he said demonstrated failure, especially considering the fact the network has the resources of NBC behind it.

Don’t tell that to the guys in 29th place! Suck it, Nick Jr.

Be sure to check back for more Keith Olbermann news right here at KeithOlbermann.com!