DC Trawler

Doctor, Doctor, gimme the news, I got a bad case of flu that’s blue

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The children of Wisconsin might not be able to go to school, but they sure are getting an education. Here we see two groups of people who are supposed to provide an example for future generations — teachers and doctors — committing fraud in broad daylight:

That’s how you know their cause is just: they have to lie about it.

(Hat tip: Hot Air)

P.S. More at NRO.

P.P.S. Ann Althouse talked to another one:

“It’s all legitimate… It’s not dishonest…” Uh-huh.

P.P.P.S. The Right Sphere has more video and examines a “Crooks & Liars” hack’s sad, failed attempt to explain away the evidence. The only alternative would be to try to defend this behavior, and it’s indefensible.