DC Trawler

My knee, week 57

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I know, I know. I’m sick of it too, believe me. If I could snap my fingers and make everything go back to the way it was before I got hit by a State Department security vehicle while crossing the street legally, you bet I would. But I can’t. This is an unavoidable part of my day-to-day, minute-to-minute existence. If hearing about it is a problem, please feel free to scroll down.

Alright, then. Here’s the latest pic, all sweaty and disheveled after going to physical therapy and hobbling around in my new knee brace:

In PT, I was able to bend it to 131 degrees on my own. Normal flexion for men is 135-140, so I’m getting there. It’s not fun, but I can bend it. Seems to be loosening up week by week. I’m also doing light leg presses, and this week my fantastic therapist, Sue, had me doing a new hamstring exercise where I scoot around on a wheeled stool. She said next week she’s going to have me try some squats, standing up against the wall. Will do.

Still on the crutches. I go back to Dr. K in three weeks, and we’ll see if he lets me go to one crutch. Right now I’m able to put half-weight on it, maybe a little more.

The healing powers of the human body are amazing. Sometimes it feels like this has been going on forever and I’ll never get better, but I will. And then it’ll be time for Phase 2. I am very much looking forward to Phase 2.