DC Trawler

It’s almost as if nobody really cared about ‘toxic rhetoric’ in the first place

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Now that the left’s attempt to pin Jared Loughner’s insanity on the right has utterly failed, they’ve given up even pretending to care about the New Tone. Witness this Time magazine headline from Saturday:

Wisconsin’s Governor Wins But Is He Still Dead Man Walker?

Is this witty play on words, based on the title of a 15-year-old movie, worth referring to the governor of a state as a “dead man”? After the last two months of hyperventilating about violent rhetoric? Guess so. He’s a Republican, after all, and he’s standing up for fiscal responsibility. The New Civility doesn’t apply to Nazi Hitler Nazis.

And the story mentions this in passing:

The state capitol of Wisconsin had taken on an eerie quiet on Friday. Gone were the throngs of protesters who occupied its marble floors like a campground in summer. The midnight honking of cars circling the white building had ceased. The chalk “dead man” outlines etched with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s name on the sidewalks remained in dismembered parts, incompletely washed away by clean-up hoses.

It gets better. Here’s the closer:

The frustration from the defeat will be channeled elsewhere. Wiping tears from beneath her dark rimmed glasses, Anne Moser, 47, who works for University of Wisconsin Madison’s science-based Water Library, said, “People know that violence doesn’t get you anywhere. The attack the Republicans have made is violent and a violation of human rights.”

Yeah, it’s almost as bad as librarians who don’t know what very simple words like “violence” mean.

Speaking of hostile morons, a suspect has confessed to e-mailing that death threat to GOP lawmakers. All they’re saying is that it’s a woman. And now these reasonable, peace-loving protesters are literally climbing the walls.

(Hat tip: Newsbusters)