Former U.S. Sen. George Allen is criticizing likely 2012 election opponent and former Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine for his failure to take a stand on a hot labor lawsuit which is being closely watched across the country
Kaine, the former Democratic National Committee chairman, who has been friendly with labor unions but is now running for the Senate in a conservative state, has been quiet about a complaint by the National Labor Relations Board that has conservatives upset, according to Sen. George Allen, a Republican running for the seat. (FreedomWorks forming rival debt commission to Obama’s group)
The lawsuit aims to stop the company Boeing from locating some facilities in a non-unionized South Carolina plant instead of a unionized one in Washington State.
In an op-ed, Allen said the NLRB complaint is “an attack on the freedom and competitiveness of every state with right-to-work laws -– including Virginia.”
Allen has called on Kaine to take a position on it. A spokeswoman for Kaine did not return an email request from The Daily Caller for his position on the issue.
“Virginians deserve to know if Kaine will stand with me in support of the people and values of Virginia on this important issue of liberty and opportunity,” he wrote in the op-ed published on
“Having been governor, one would think Tim Kaine, my opponent in the Virginia Senate race, would know about the desirability of right-to-work laws for Virginia jobs and condemn this NLRB intrusion,” he said.