WASHINGTON — In the McPherson Square tent village erected by “Occupy DC” protesters, “Republican” is almost a dirty word.
“You say the word ‘Republican’ and people mentally shut down,” Jonathan Bremer said of his fellow protesters.
Which makes McPherson Square seem an unlikely place to find admirers of a Republican presidential candidate — but that’s exactly what The Daily Caller found in a small enclave of Ron Paul supporters.
A lone green tent and a few folding chairs make up the base camp for the small group.
At first, Bremer said, he and the others were harassed and asked to leave. But now he thinks they’re starting to change some minds.
“There’s a lot of common ground we share, a lot of common interest,” Bremer said.
Libertarianism might be the answer both sides of the aisle are searching for, but so far there’s been no meeting of the minds.