Conservative radio talk show host Laura Ingraham thinks it’s time to push back against whomever is attacking Herman Cain.
On her Monday program, a caller named “Natalie” suggested an “Occupy Politico” movement to protest the news outlet’s Sunday story that alleged Cain was once accused of sexual harassment by underlings while CEO of the National Restaurant Association.
“So Natalie, you’re saying Occupy Politico, in other words” Ingraham said. “They’re occupying Wall Street; we need I got it.”
Ingraham saved her harshest words, though, for reporters who allow nameless sources to hide behind promises of anonymity.
“If you’re going to come to the game with some anonymous sources, and no names attributed to any of these allegations, which are ‘he offended me,’” she said, “OK, this is so far — maybe we’ll know something else. Maybe he’s the worst person ever. OK, I don’t think so, but maybe. ‘I was offended. There was some comment that offended me. I felt like I was put upon.’ Oh please.”
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“We have seen this movie before and we know how it ends. It always ends up being an employee who can’t perform or who underperforms and is looking for a little green.”
Ingraham also unloaded on the character of women whose sexual harassment allegations vanish at the first sight of money. (RELATED: Cain confirms ‘false accusations’ of sexual harassment)
“How much money did it take for you to swallow your principles?” she asked. “’Oh I was so offended.’ So in other words, you lose the fact that you’re offended if you’re paid money? Does anyone understand that?”
(h/t Washington Examiner)