Buddy Roemer calls ‘bs’ on the politicians

Matt K. Lewis Senior Contributor
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Fresh off our joint appearance on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” former Louisiana Governor Buddy Roemer appeared on the Matt Lewis & The News podcast. During the episode (listen to the full podcast here), we discussed his candidacy and his anger at being unfairly shut out of the GOP debates.

But he became most passionate when discussing how politicians created too-big-to-fail banks in the 199os.

Roemer — who has founded banks — and served on the banking committee in Congress — told me he strongly objected to the repeal of Glass-Steagall (which removed the separation between investment and commercial banking.)

Roemer lamented the repeal’s passage, despite his opposition — and blamed it for contributing to the collapse of the banking industry.

“And what happened [after the repeal]? Is the banking system stronger? Are we freer as a nation?,” he asked.

“It’s bullshit!”

Listen to an excerpt below:

Matt K. Lewis