
Osama bin Laden is undead in ‘Osombie’ [VIDEO]

Taylor Bigler Entertainment Editor
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Just when you thought SEAL Team 6 left Osama bin Laden good and dead in his watery grave, leave it to Hollywood to bring him back to life — sort of.

“Osombie: The Axis of Evil Dead,” a zombie genre film from Arrowstorm Entertainment, follows bin Laden and his band of undead insurgents against a group of NATO special forces.

The film’s executive producer, Kynan Griffin, told ABC News that the script was written before bin Laden was killed last May by American military. After that, Griffin said, it was “too good to pass up.”

“We’ve just had a lot of fun with it,” Griffin said. “We had some great special effects makeup people that had done a lot of Hollywood work. Lots of actions, lots of zombie violence.”

Griffin said he knows some will hate the film, but that feedback has been positive so far.

“We have the view that we are not going to please everyone with any film, but with this we know there are a group of people who will love it and those who will not love it,” he said.


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